Friday, December 30, 2022
Dear family of Glen: We had the great privilege of knowing Glen for about fifty years as a fellow pastor and what a blessing he and Beverly were to us. A longtime dream that Glen and Dave had was to work together sometime, which became a reality when Glen came to Barnesville, NB where Dave was pastoring; they held a series of evangelistic meetings together resulting in 27 baptisms. Whenever we went to Bridgewater to speak, we shared a meal at their home and thoroughly enjoyed reminiscing about our gospel work. How we miss those days! What a positive hearty greeting we experienced whenever we met him! Also, his uplifting and enthusiastic comments during the Sabbath Bible study at the Bridgewater church, we have never forgotten. Praise God for the wonderful HOPE we share in Jesus! OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY TO HIS WONDERFUL FAMILY. With love from Dave and Yvonne Crook